Thursday, June 18, 2009

Across the borders between continents...

"In the cathedrals of New York and Rome, there is a feeling that you should just go home and spend a lifetime finding out just where that is. " - Jump Little Children
This song has been ringing in my ears and my heart and under my skin for the past 3 days or so. I'm not sure why I was reminded of it... a few weeks ago we listened to it on the car ride from Seattle to George, Washington (seriously, that's the name of the town where Sasquatch was held). I had heard it months before, when searching other Jump songs (I was only acquainted with "By the Way They Dance from an ex). Anyway... the more I listened to it on that trip and now, the more connected I feel with it. I feel as though this song can play as the soundtrack to my life over and over. I get a tingling feeling inside when I hear it... it feels as thought I've figured things out in life... by embracing that I haven't. It's just a beautiful feeling, and I don't know what else can replicate it. Except maybe last Friday, when I caught Josh Ritter at Summerstage with the NY Pops. When he brought Glen Hansard out and they sang a song together, something in me just felt so complete. Utterly, shamelessly content. It wasn't a feeling as though I'd solved all my problems or gotten everything straight with myself, but that there was beauty in the questions, in not knowing. And somehow, I linked all this with listening to two very honest, sincere musicians onstage in a world somewhat bigger than themselves... that they followed their hearts and somehow ended up on that wonderful stage, in front of thousands. Just something about it.

I'm not sure how I came to feel complete by it... but I did. And maybe that's part of why "Cathedrals" just kills me a little inside, and births anew inside me with each listen.

Friday, June 12, 2009

How is it June already?

The times just kind of pass and next thing you know, the year's halfway done and it's just a handful of months til I turn 24. 

I read somewhere that Twenty-something women have a tendency to look towards their future and ponder on their past, and hardly ever live in the present. I wonder if that's the reason for my restlessness.