Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm a buttercup.

Today was awash in exhaustion. I haven't recovered from lacking sleep the night of American Idol, and the night before. All for that article ( Luckily tomorrow I get off work, so I can spend time with mom and finally catch the J.M.W. Turner and the Koons exhibits at the Met before they close.
It was an experience, to say the least. It may seem I should talk about it, but I really don't want to. I spent the day explaining how it went to at least 6 or 7 co-workers, some of whom I've never spoken to for longer than a few seconds in greeting. They were sweet, though, surprising me with a Tweety bird balloon and a Congratulations! card with notes of encouragement, and "You'll always be our idol!" written in bold blue ink. :) I felt loved.

I had band practice tonight. It was good, though I sense Jon and Dave are a bit annoyed with not being able to play on the record. I know... I wish I could explain to them that it's much more the end-goal of finishing the record than being diplomatic about everything. That sounds sort of mean though, doesn't it? I guess I have to be more straightforward with some things if I'm to get things done. They make great musicians and friends to play live with, that's for sure. I'm excited and anxious about how it'll all turn out. We're at the last stretch of vocals - the backups start this weekend.

Rob bought me cupcakes from Buttercup Bakery in the city last night. Red velvet - my unofficial favorite. I ate one and the other is in the fridge, as I resist temptation at least for a few more hours. I haven't really spent time with him since Saturday, thanks to this busy work week and band practice tonight. I saw him for just a few minutes today, and when he left it was surprisingly difficult to say goodbye, even knowing I'd see him tomorrow night. Maybe it's because I know he's going to Virginia for a week, then eventually to L.A. for another week. All this time we've been together, we've never been away from each other for that long. Not even when I went to L.A.

Sigh. I guess I'm getting attached...

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