Tuesday, January 20, 2009

All good dreamers pass this way someday.

Been on a Joni Mitchell kick since I decided to take the CD's Rob gave me down from their shelves and into the old CD player. I wonder why I haven't tried to get her music sooner... her first album is reminiscent of Jewel's first (or vice versa, actually).  Now the comparison is clear. 
I listened to "Both Sides Now" on Wednesday and just wept. There is no other song that could destroy me and redeem me at the same time. I don't know what it is. Just the honesty, the surrender to humanity, the kind and patient melody, the tired but emotive vocals. It kills me but it wakes me up too.  Fantastic.

Thursday night was Charlotte Sometimes' 21st at Angels & Kings. Oh what a night. It was a new experience, especially hob-knobbing with some industry people. Alex insisted it was my "good looks" that kept them hanging on. I'd like to hope it was my engaging personality, but alas... even I am not always a dreamer. As long as Alex has his point proven, I will continue to be nagged to wear heels and keep my appearance up, at least when meeting other industry-folk. I met the presidents of Crush and Sam Hollander, also Juan Patino and a marketing guy named Jeff Mann from Universal. The last two I spent a good chunk of the night with... Alex said he was impressed. He didn't think I'd last all 5 hours at the bar...he thought I'd be ready to call it a night after one. Little did he know. :) I think our NYC escapades are bringing back the social-butterfly/party-girl side of me that I haven't visited since late October 2007. 
We started the night with cucaracha burachas at Burrito Loco and closed it with watered-down espresso at Cafe Orlin. Yuck. I should have stuck with their fries.

Friday night I was out until 4:30 at Julio's goodbye party. My sis and I went to Fat Black Pussycat... I reconnected with Beda, which was new yet familiar. Yes, we still have the indelible attraction, but there were no more preconceptions this time around. We were just friends that were reconnecting after a long time. In that sense, though, nothing had changed. It was the coldest night this year, yet we were hopping from place to place. My sister, Beda and I drove up to the karaoke place and eventually got some Korean BBQ while waiting for the others. Somewhere in the night we also met some good-looking Colombian guys... too bad there was little we could say to each other, ha! We topped the night off with some silly karaoke and I wished my friends were closer, so we could also have nights like these. I went home and had a long talk with Rob.

I was supposed to go to Foxwoods with him and his friends. But, as Alex says, it's the suburban way... the men stay together and the wives... well, they allegedly hang out (not in my case).  Rob really wanted me to go... partly because he truly did, and also because he knew he had to prove to me that I could still hang out with his friends even when no other girls were around. I was upset with him Friday night, asking for assurance that it would be ok for me to go. I had been having second thoughts, worried some of the guys might resent me. But Rob couldn't give me assurance either...so we argued. And the next day, after a talk with my mom and in the midst of terrible grogginess, I told him I wouldn't go. He had texted me the night before that although he wanted me to be there, it would be "less painful" for both of us if I didn't. I think that more than answered my questions. 

He went on to tell me he just wished I had come; that I should have come. But he never offered me assurance beforehand... and no matter what he says, I know it would have been different had I been around.
Besides, I hate to gamble and I'd had enough of hanging out late..

though I did spend Sat. night out at some Teaneck bar with Joyce. Oh Bergen County clubbing - what an awkward ordeal. 

Anyway, that's enough about me. To bed I go...

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