Wednesday, January 7, 2009


It's probably the last week of the holiday madness. The goodbyes begin tomorrow when Dad leaves for L.A. Then Greg on Saturday. Then Mom. Then Julio goes to Japan for a year about a week afterwards. That post-holiday wear and tear will rear its melancholy head. Rob said goodbye to his apartment where he'd spent four and a half precious post-college years, stretching out the joy of youth and alcohol. I am saying goodbye to the paralyzed me of 2008. I'm reminding myself that the wheel continues to roll, and I'm better off driving its speed than just letting it take me with it. I always preferred being in control anyway. 

God's plan is the perfect plan. I am trying to stay on course. Even when it doesn't feel good, or when it's daunting and full of doubt. I have faith that at the end of 2009, this will all make sense somehow, and my restlessness will have its purpose - whether it is what I hope, expect or do not even consider for a second. 

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